Tuesday, June 3, 2008

All Together, Now . . .

Music is a good gift from God.
One good way to have fun with kids is to sing to them, and to sing with them. Music is a universal language, one that communicates well across any generation gap.
Reach back into your memory for songs from your own childhood – songs like “I Know a Little Pussy” or “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and sing them with your grandkids.
Most kids like music, and they'll like sharing it with you. Whether it's a lullaby sung to soothe a cranky infant, a silly song like “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes” or a song you remember from your own growing up years, sharing it with your child or grandchild is just fun.
Music is also a great teaching tool. Scripture songs and hymns help a child hide Scripture in her heart, and help her feel at home in church, when those songs are sung by the congregation. In this case, familiarity breeds comfort, not to mention a measure of attentiveness!
And who hasn't tried to teach the alphabet or times tables with a catchy song?
Music appreciation is a great thing to give your child, and what better way to pass it on than to sing to and with your kids?
Here are three ways you can share a gift of music with your child or grandchild:
* Sing in the car, sing while you do chores together, sing together around the table after a meal – just look for the chance to sing, then do it! Don't be shy; be enthusiastic. If you're having fun, chances are your kids will, too.
* If you aren't together, sing over the phone. Find a signature song you always sing to one another.
* Sing along to the radio, or to your Ipod, or to the commercials on television. Help your kids appreciate music wherever they find it.


Anonymous said...

So where is our kid's fav... Jeremiah Was Bullfrog..., (Joy to the World) 3 Dog Night, I think.

Holly said...

That's your favorite, Buzz!

OK, what music do you all remember????

Anonymous said...

I was just telling someone about how we used to dance in the living room to the whole Beach Boys' Good Vibrations record and we would make it skip when we jumped around... Now we have Smolen Dance Party and listen to the Beach Boys at our house!

Holly said...

Mmmm . . . Beach Boys. Probably still have that record. And I seem to remember some Beach Boys harmonies from the back seat driving to Colorado . . . along with Garth's Friends in Low Places (which scandalized me at the time . . . )